This weight loss program might be best described as a more nutritionally varied version of the grapefruit diet, in that the Scarsdale diet plan includes half a grapefruit at breakfast each day for the supposed 'fat burning enzyme' that it contains.
It should be noted that there is no scientific basis for the idea of a fat burning enzyme in grapefruit.
During the first 14 days of the diet, Dr. Tarnower proposes a strict diet plan, followed by 1-2 weeks of a less restrictive plan before going back onto the more restrictive plan again for another 14 days if you need to.
The Scarsdale diet is, generally speaking, a high protein low carb diet plan, and the allowed foods while you're on the diet include fruit, vegetables, and lean sources of protein in unlimited amounts. You can also have 1-3 slices of protein-enriched bread per day.
Breakfast consists only of half a grapefruit and one slice of bread. For lunch, you may have fruit alone, or you can have meat, fish or cheese with salad or vegetables. Dinner consists of meat or fish with vegetables, and you may have bread at lunch or dinner on some days.
Tea, Coffee, Diet Soda, and water of course, are allowed on the diet, but snacks are limited to raw carrots, celery, etc, in unlimited amounts. Mustard, Ketchup, Soy Sauce, Worcestershire sauce and herbs are also allowed.
No potatoes, corn, peas, beans (other than green beans) or lentils are allowed on the diet, and no pasta, rice or other grains except for bread when specified.
Why Does The Scarsdale Diet Work?
The Scarsdale Diet is a strict calorie controlled diet and most people will lose weight over the 14 days if they can stick to it. The cyclical nature of the plan (2 weeks on, 1-2 weeks off) is said to optimize results because it prevents the metabolism from adjusting to the lower calorie intake.
Any Negatives With The Scarsdale Diet?
Most people who follow this diet will be very hungry, making it hard to stick to. Many choose to take some kind of appetite suppressant in order to get around the hunger problem, but these can carry risks of their own. If you can stick to the plan you will lose weight, but most of that initial weight loss will be water.
This would be a difficult diet for vegetarians to follow as there is a heavy emphasis on lean meats, with most of the calories coming from animal protein foods.
Many people also find the cyclical style of the diet to be difficult, and there is the risk of going completely off of it at the end of the 14 days and regaining any lost weight.
The Scarsdale Diet has been criticized for promoting yoyo dieting, which is the unhealthy habit of constantly gaining and losing weight in short periods of time. As with any other diet, it is best to consult with your physician before beginning this diet.